Monday, May 18, 2009

Great Weekend

Things here have been going really good. Since I have posted last we have kept fairly busy. Both Ronnie and I worked Thursday and Friday. Friday when we got off of work and picked up the boys we thought that we would do our family night. We let the boys pick what they wanted to eat and then we watched a movie together. We try to do something like this every week and Friday night just works really well especially if I don't work the next morning. After the movie the kids went to bed.

Saturday morning started early as both Isaac and Avery thought it was time to get up at 6 in the morning! They do not even want to get up that early during the week. Ronnie took Isaac to his soccer game at 1 and the two younger boys stayed at home with me since it was pretty cold out. The boys actually took a little nap that afternoon but I am not surprised since they got up early. While they were napping we got ready to go out to celebrate one of our friend's 30th birthdays. Ronnie's friend Crystal watched the boys and they were all excited to go over there. They were asking about it as soon as they woke up. They really like to play with her three daughters. Ronnie and I then enjoyed a nice evening out together. We do not get to do that too often so we enjoy it when we can.

Sunday brought some nice weather. I had Ronnie help me get the lawnmower started since I have so much trouble with it all the time. I then mowed the back yard while Ronnie helped my parents move in a new couch. They took our old one out and gave us a newer one. I didn't realize how large the back yard is and how out of shape I was. I am feeling it today. Ronnie then took Isaac and Avery out fishing since it was free fishing weekend here in South Dakota. They did not catch anything but had a good time. When they finally got back we headed out to my parents farm. The boys really wanted to see their aunt Kylie and their aunt Raine. They also were looking forward to seeing the ducks and the horses.

The boys all enjoyed feeding the ducks but unfortunately I was not able to take pictures since the battery in our camera was dead. Kylie did so we will have to see how they turn out. The boys then got to sit on Mercy, aunt Raine's horse. Mason was all brave until we got up to the horses and then he wanted to go back to Ronnie. Isaac and Avery rode the horse and really liked it. We then enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by my mother and sisters. We brought an ice cream pizza from Dairy Queen for dessert. It was nice spending some time with the family.

When Avery woke up this morning the first thing he wanted to do was go out and feed the ducks again. He actually liked that more then riding the horse. He liked the dogs too. He thought at one point that one of the mother dogs was fighting with her baby but they were only playing. Avery just got back from speech so I will have to go and get him. Will try to write more later. Have laundry to do, and a lot of it. Then Bailey might be coming over today. This is the kids last week of school too so they are all excited. Will have to find some activity for them all to do. Will write more later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Day Off

I do so enjoy my days off during the middle of the week. I occasionally get more then one but that is only when I work the weekend. But, I enjoy my weekend off even more because then Ronnie is able to spend time with the boys and myself. And I guess I can not say that it is a totally free day off as I already have swept and mopped the floors and done a few loads of laundry.

Right now Avery and Mason are playing with their blocks and building towers. They do love to do this and have gotten a lot better at playing together. They don't fight nearly as much as they used too. Isaac is at school and his teacher comes today at one for an end of the year review to let us know how Isaac has been doing. His last day of Headstart is the 21st of May. Avery's last speech session is May 18th and then they will both have no school and be on summer break. Isaac was a little disappointed when we told him that he will not be going to school for now. He can't wait until September though when he gets to start kindergarten.

Last night he had a soccer game and he did really well. He went after the ball and had a great time. It was really windy but that did not seem to bother any of the kids. Luckily his game was over before the thunderstorm decided to roll in. He only has a few soccer games left too before the spring season is over. He will then have to wait until fall to play again. Ronnie and I might try to get Isaac and Avery in swimming lessons this summer. We just have to check out what days they are on and if we are able to work it out with our schedules.

Other then that do not have any big plans for right now. Will write more later.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Another Monday

Today is a beautiful day outside. I am so glad that I once again have Monday off. Starting in June though I will have to go back to working Monday's as Avery will be out of speech for the summer. He does enjoy going but I think he will be happy in the fall when he gets to start Headstart and go to school like Isaac did.

After Avery came home from speech today I took him and Mason to the doctor as they have had a runny noses and cough for over two weeks already. With all of Avery's health issues like his asthma, eczema and allergies I hate to wait to long to take him in. He had been hospitalized in Feb. for pneumonia. He had viral pneumonia which he was getting over and then caught bacterial pneumonia which made him really sick and he ended up in the hospital for three days. Today the doctor said that both of the boys' lungs sound good and that it is their allergies that is causing all the drainage and coughing. I was glad to hear that. While we were there Avery had his blood drawn to test for lead as this is a requirement before he can go to school. He did so good. He laid still and did not even cry when he had his blood drawn. I was so proud of him.

Yesterday I was very proud of my family too. Since I had to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday I did not get to spend too much time with them. At work yesterday they all called me and wished me Happy Mother's Day as I had to be at work by 6 am and they were still sleeping then. After I got off of work they showed me the picture they had posed for. It was beautiful. Ronnie had gotten the three boys all dressed up and took their picture and then wrote Happy Mother's Day over it and printed it out. I was then able to take a nap with Mason for a little while as I was exhausted from work and when I woke up Ronnie had made supper. It is great to have such a wonderful husband and kids. I do not know what I would do without Ronnie as he helps so much in more ways then he even realizes.

Tonight, Ronnie has football practice at the park at 7 and we are going to walk there. The kids will be able to play on the equipment there with the other children while the men practice. Then tomorrow Isaac has another soccer game. He had one Saturday but I missed it since I was working. Ronnie was able to take him and his brothers so that was nice.

Right now though the boys are getting ready to take their afternoon nap so that they do not get too exhausted and run down. I think I might try to join them as there is a load of laundry that I just put in the dryer and one in the washer so there is actually no laundry to put away at the moment. I do so enjoy taking an afternoon nap with the boys, even if Isaac says that he hates to take naps. Will try to write again soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Beautiful Wednesday

Once again it has been awhile since I wrote. Tuesday was a very busy day at work. When I got home I saw that Ronnie had put the training wheels on the big bike for Avery when he had gotten off of work. Since it was such a beautiful day and Avery wanted to drive his "new" bike we decided to go for a walk. The two older boys drove their bikes and Mason got a ride in the stroller. We went really far, farther then we have gone before on a walk and at quite a brisk pace too. Needless to say, that night they were all tired and slept very well.

Yesterday after I got off of work I had to get things ready for last night. I picked the kids up from daycare and as I was getting them ready some lady backed into the car. I was upset but at least it still rand. Isaac then had soccer practice at 6. I dropped him off then picked up Ronnie from work. I then dropped Ronnie off at home and he got ready for his softball games. I then went and picked up Isaac. We got home and I fed the kids and then we went over to Ronnie's games.

Today I have off of work because I work the weekend. I hope it is a nice weekend as the last few have been really bad. Now, I am getting the boys ready as Isaac has a game at 7 tonight. I have not decided if only myself or just Ronnie is going to go or if we are going to all go. Sometimes the younger two do not like to sit that long at the game.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Another Monday

I can not believe that it has been a whole week since I have blogged. We have been fairly busy here and I have just not gotten on the computer that much. Last week was not that bad a week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at work were not so bad. Then Thurday night Ronnie took Isaac to his soccer game and I took the other two boys with me to go grocery shopping and to pick up the snacks for Isaac's game on Saturday. Friday was horrible at work, not sure why the last two Friday's have been so busy but they have been. Then Friday night Ronnie had his softball games that got rained out on Wednesday night. The boys and I went to his second game. The boys had fun but we all got kind of cold as it cooled down really fast. I was glad that Ronnie had the 7 and 8 o'clock games instead of the 9 and 10 o'clock games.

Saturday Isaac had a soccer game. I thought his game was supposed to be at one. I apparently did not look at the schedule for the right Saturday as his game was at 12. We arrived at 12:45 to see his teammates shaking hands because the game had just ended. I felt really bad. One of the mothers of the other teammates came up to me and I told her what happened. We all had a good laugh. She then asked if it would be okay if Isaac came with her because she was inviting the team over to her house so that the kids could play since it was such a beautiful day. We asked Isaac and he said he wanted to go so he went with his teammates. Later we found out that she took the five kids to McDonalds which they all enjoyed. They then went to her house and had fun playing in the backyard. They also made cupcakes and Isaac was dropped off at the house about 4:45. We all thought he would be tired but Isaac and his brothers went to the backyard to play. One of the kids that lives in the apartment building behind our house then came over and played with the boys for a few hours. Needless to say, Saturday night all the kids went to bed easily and they actually slept in til 9 on Sunday morning.

Sunday brought another beautiful day. We played in the backyard for quite awhile. The boys and I then walked to the park that is by the house and Ronnie joined us awhile later after he was done cleaning out the vehicle. We were at the park for quite awhile. The boys played really nice with the other children that showed up after we got there. After awhile they got thirsty so we headed home. Both Isaac and Avery drove their bikes there so they were pretty tired. We then ran a few errands. When we got home the boys helped Ronnie get the grill ready because we had all decided that we should grill since it was such a beautiful day. Ronnie made some great chicken breasts and we had corn on the cob and some potato salad. I then put some brownies in the oven and when they came out we all enjoyed warm brownies with ice cream.

We had a good laugh at Isaac on Sunday as well. He has really become very good at driving his bike without training wheels. As Ronnie was grilling he called his mom to see how she was doing. When Isaac got to talk to her Ronnie had run in to the house to tell me something. We both happened to glance out the front window and we broke out laughing. Isaac came driving past on his bike and was talking on the phone at the same time! He wanted to talk to grandma but he did not want to stop riding bike. So, he decided to combine the two. Ronnie got a picture of it so when I get a chance I will have to post it.

Today I have off as I work this weekend and this is the day that Avery has speech. It is kind of windy here today but still pretty nice out. Think we might walk to the park again today and let the kids play. I will just have to remember sunblock. I did not yesterday and I did burn a little bit. By now you would think that I would remember sunblock. Will try to post again later.