Monday, May 4, 2009

Another Monday

I can not believe that it has been a whole week since I have blogged. We have been fairly busy here and I have just not gotten on the computer that much. Last week was not that bad a week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at work were not so bad. Then Thurday night Ronnie took Isaac to his soccer game and I took the other two boys with me to go grocery shopping and to pick up the snacks for Isaac's game on Saturday. Friday was horrible at work, not sure why the last two Friday's have been so busy but they have been. Then Friday night Ronnie had his softball games that got rained out on Wednesday night. The boys and I went to his second game. The boys had fun but we all got kind of cold as it cooled down really fast. I was glad that Ronnie had the 7 and 8 o'clock games instead of the 9 and 10 o'clock games.

Saturday Isaac had a soccer game. I thought his game was supposed to be at one. I apparently did not look at the schedule for the right Saturday as his game was at 12. We arrived at 12:45 to see his teammates shaking hands because the game had just ended. I felt really bad. One of the mothers of the other teammates came up to me and I told her what happened. We all had a good laugh. She then asked if it would be okay if Isaac came with her because she was inviting the team over to her house so that the kids could play since it was such a beautiful day. We asked Isaac and he said he wanted to go so he went with his teammates. Later we found out that she took the five kids to McDonalds which they all enjoyed. They then went to her house and had fun playing in the backyard. They also made cupcakes and Isaac was dropped off at the house about 4:45. We all thought he would be tired but Isaac and his brothers went to the backyard to play. One of the kids that lives in the apartment building behind our house then came over and played with the boys for a few hours. Needless to say, Saturday night all the kids went to bed easily and they actually slept in til 9 on Sunday morning.

Sunday brought another beautiful day. We played in the backyard for quite awhile. The boys and I then walked to the park that is by the house and Ronnie joined us awhile later after he was done cleaning out the vehicle. We were at the park for quite awhile. The boys played really nice with the other children that showed up after we got there. After awhile they got thirsty so we headed home. Both Isaac and Avery drove their bikes there so they were pretty tired. We then ran a few errands. When we got home the boys helped Ronnie get the grill ready because we had all decided that we should grill since it was such a beautiful day. Ronnie made some great chicken breasts and we had corn on the cob and some potato salad. I then put some brownies in the oven and when they came out we all enjoyed warm brownies with ice cream.

We had a good laugh at Isaac on Sunday as well. He has really become very good at driving his bike without training wheels. As Ronnie was grilling he called his mom to see how she was doing. When Isaac got to talk to her Ronnie had run in to the house to tell me something. We both happened to glance out the front window and we broke out laughing. Isaac came driving past on his bike and was talking on the phone at the same time! He wanted to talk to grandma but he did not want to stop riding bike. So, he decided to combine the two. Ronnie got a picture of it so when I get a chance I will have to post it.

Today I have off as I work this weekend and this is the day that Avery has speech. It is kind of windy here today but still pretty nice out. Think we might walk to the park again today and let the kids play. I will just have to remember sunblock. I did not yesterday and I did burn a little bit. By now you would think that I would remember sunblock. Will try to post again later.

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